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Getting started with air-gapped Livepatch On-Prem using Snaps


Livepatch on-prem is a self-hosted version of the Livepatch server, enabling the delivery of patches to machines within network restricted environments. For security reasons, administrators may prefer to deploy Livepatch on-prem server in an air-gapped environment with restricted Internet access.

This tutorial will deploy the Livepatch on-prem server as a Snap package in an air-gapped environment.

How does Livepatch on-prem work in an air-gapped environment?

Generally, in order to perform authentication/authorisation of machines and to fetch patches, the Livepatch on-prem server needs to communicate with the main Livepatch server hosted by Canonical. In an air-gapped environment, where such communication is not available, these functions are handled using the following tools:

  • Air-gapped Ubuntu Pro Server provides services related to Ubuntu Pro subscriptions in air-gapped environments. Livepatch on-prem can be integrated with this service to perform authentication/authorisation of machines and handle subscription-related functionality.
  • Patch Downloader is a CLI tool that can be used to download the latest patch files from the Livepatch server. In an air-gapped setup, the administrators of Livepatch on-prem should use this tool to fetch the latest patches and then upload them to the configured patch storage. You can check out this topic on how to configure various types of storage for Livepatch on-prem. This topic explains how to use the Patch Downloader tool to fetch patches.

:information_source: When deploying air-gapped Livepatch on-prem using Snap, it is best to configure the patch storage to something independently accessible within your infrastructure, like the filesystem or an S3/Swift bucket, instead of PostgreSQL. This way, Livepatch administrators can independently download the latest patches via the Patch Downloader CLI tool and transfer them to the patch storage.

Deployment steps

In this tutorial, we use Multipass to create Ubuntu virtual machines (VM) to deploy Livepatch and its dependencies on it.

If not already installed, we can use the command below to install Multipass:

sudo snap install multipass

Also, we will need two Multipass virtual machines; one as the air-gapped environment where the Livepatch on-prem server is going to be deployed, and the other to simulate a normal environment (i.e., with access to the Internet) to finalize the configurations for the air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server.

Step 1: Create Multipass instances

You can create the Multipass instances needed in this tutorial by running the command below. This will create two instances, named pro-configuration and livepatch-deploy.

multipass launch jammy --name pro-configuration
multipass launch jammy --name livepatch-deploy -d 10G

Step 2: Create configurations for the air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server

We first need an interactive shell in the pro-configuration instance:

multipass shell pro-configuration

Once getting into the instance, we need to install the pro-airgapped configuration tool:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yellow/ua-airgapped
sudo apt update
sudo apt install pro-airgapped

To create the configuration file, you will need your Ubuntu Pro subscription token. You should copy your token from the Ubuntu Pro dashboard, replace the <TOKEN> placeholder in the following command, and then run the command:

cat <<EOF > override.yml

:information_source: Here we have set the Livepatch on-prem server hostname to You can set it to any other value, but remember to replace it in the next steps.

This will create a file named override.yml. Now, we should use the pro-airgapped tool to make the final configuration file, which we will use to set up the air-gapped environment. Note that the pro-airgapped tool needs Internet access to communicate with upstream Canonical services to fetch your subscription details. By running the following command the final configuration file will be created as server-ready.yml:

cat override.yml | pro-airgapped > server-ready.yml

Now, we are done with this Multipass instance, and we should exit the interactive shell:


Step 3: Transfer configuration to air-gapped environment

Now, we need to transfer the air-gapped Ubuntu Pro configuration file, server-ready.yml, to the isolated Multipass instance. To do this, we have to transfer the file to the host machine and then to the isolated instance.

mulitpass transfer pro-configuration:server-ready.yml /tmp/server-ready.yml
multipass transfer /tmp/server-ready.yml livepatch-deploy:server-ready.yml
rm /tmp/server-ready.yml

Step 4: Deploy air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server

Now it is time to deploy the air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server in the air-gapped environment. To begin, we need an interactive shell in the isolated Multipass instance:

multipass shell livepatch-deploy

Next step is installing contracts-airgapped tool.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yellow/ua-airgapped
sudo apt update
sudo apt install contracts-airgapped

:information_source: In a real air-gapped environment there will be no Internet access. So, one should use other methods, like local mirrors/packages, to install the dependencies via apt or snap. Setting up a fully isolated air-gapped environment is out of the scope of this tutorial. So, we simply install dependencies from the Internet.

Once the installation is done, we need to run the air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server with the configuration file we transferred to the instance in the previous step:

contracts-airgapped --input=./server-ready.yml

The air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server is now listening on TCP port 8484.

:information_source: This command runs the air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server in the foreground. We still need to work on this Multipass instance. So, you can either open a new shell to the instance or run it in the background by appending a & to the command.

Step 5: Deploy Livepatch on-prem server

We should now deploy Livepatch on-prem server in the air-gapped environment. For simplicity, we will reuse the same Multipass instance we used for running the air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server.

Livepatch on-prem requires a PostgreSQL database to work. Here, we use Docker Engine to spin up a PostgreSQL instance. Since the Multipass instance we are in does not have Docker, you need to install it by following the official instructions. Once Docker Engine is installed, you can create a PostgreSQL container by using this command:

docker run \
  --name postgresql \
  -e POSTGRES_USER=livepatch \
  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=testing \
  -p 5432:5432 \
  -d postgres:12.11

:information_source: Livepatch on-prem server requires PostgreSQL 12 or above.

Now, we are ready to install Livepatch on-prem server:

sudo snap install canonical-livepatch-server

Before configuring Livepatch on-prem to communicate with our PostgreSQL database, we need to prepare the database:

canonical-livepatch-server.schema-tool postgresql://livepatch:testing@localhost:5432/livepatch

Once the database preparation is done, we can configure Livepatch on-prem database connection by the following command:

sudo snap set canonical-livepatch-server lp.database.connection-string=postgresql://livepatch:testing@localhost:5432/livepatch

Next, the Livepatch on-prem server should be configured to communicate with the air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server:

sudo snap set canonical-livepatch-server \
  lp.contracts.enabled=true \

Now, the Livepatch on-prem server is running and listening on TCP port 8080. To test it, you can use curl like this:

curl http://localhost:8080
# Canonical Livepatch Health service, version v1.14.3

:information_source: By default, Livepatch on-prem server uses filesystem to stores the patches. The directory is located at /var/snap/canonical-livepatch-server/common/patches. So, in a real-world setup, you can download the latest patches by using the Patch Downloader tool, transfer them to the mentioned path, and use the Admin tool to refresh patch information. Check out this topic on how to use the Patch Downloader tool.

Step 7: Set up Livepatch client

In a real-world scenario, Livepatch clients run on different machines than those serving the Livepatch on-prem server. Since network configuration is out of the scope of this tutorial, we reuse the VM we have used so far, to install and configure the Livepatch client.

Before proceeding with the Livepatch client, we should first instruct the Ubuntu Pro client on the machine to communicate with the air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server:

sudo sed -i -e 's|contract_url:.*|contract_url:|g' /etc/ubuntu-advantage/uaclient.conf

You should also instruct the Ubuntu Pro client to refresh its internal state for changes to take effect:

sudo pro refresh

More than that, we still need to map to the loopback interface IP address (i.e.,

echo "" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

With Ubuntu Pro client being configured, we are ready to install the Livepatch client:

sudo snap install canonical-livepatch

By default, the Livepatch client is configured to communicate with the upstream Livepatch server. We need to change it so that the client speaks to our Livepatch on-prem server:

sudo canonical-livepatch config remote-server=''

Next, is to call pro attach and provide it with your Ubuntu Pro subscription token. You have already used the same token in an earlier step. Replace the <TOKEN> placeholder below with the same token and run the command:

sudo pro attach <TOKEN>

This might fail because we did not fully set up the air-gapped Ubuntu Pro server (e.g., apt repository mirrors). But for our purposes, it is okay and we can continue with enabling Livepatch:

sudo pro enable livepatch

This should finish successfully. We can now check the status of the Livepatch client by running the following command:

$ sudo canonical-livepatch status
last check: 19 seconds ago
kernel: 5.15.0-119.129-generic
server check-in: succeeded

At this point, our Livepatch client is talking to our air-gapped Livepatch on-prem server.

Cleaning up

Since we used Multipass for this tutorial, we just need to delete the created instances:

multipass stop pro-configuration
multipass delete --purge pro-configuration
multipass stop livepatch-deploy
multipass delete --purge livepatch-deploy


In this tutorial, we deployed an air-gapped Livepatch on-prem server, alongside an Ubuntu Pro server enabling air-gapped operations. Then, we configured the Ubuntu Pro client and Livepatch client to communicate with our air-gapped servers.

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